Pest Control Done Right

Customized Affordable Pest Control Service

Residential Pest Control

Living in or nearby Los Angeles California and you’ve been worried about how to get rid of pests in your home? Our Residential Pest Control solutions are not only fast and effective, but also affordable for destroying pests completely. We provide safe and proven treatments for Rodents, Rats and Mice, Bed Bugs, Termites, Cockroaches and others. Time to say goodbye to pests from your house

Residential Pest Control

Bed Bugs Exterminator

Bed bugs top the list of ugly looking creatures that actually feed on human skin. Once they are found in a house, its usually a sign of infestation. Exterminating and removing bed bugs requires expert understanding of these little creatures so that they won’t bother you again. Time for better good night sleep with our proven bed bugs treatment options

Bed Bugs Exterminator

Wildlife Removal

Thankfully we do not live in the jungle and you have pest control and wildlife handling experts to call upon. After all, there is a good reason they are called Wild Life, and approaching animals such as Raccoons, tree Squirrels or Feral animals poses great dangers and health risks. Call upon our wildlife removal experts for rapid response

Wildlife Removal Service

Commercial Pest Control

When your commercial property is facing pest infestation problems, you need  cost-effective and above all else proven to work commercial pest control and management services. Our proven track record and understanding of pest life-cycle ensures that your property will be in safe hands. With us, you’ll get flexible pest control options that are also cost-effective. Rest assured that Pests Will Be Gone. Guaranteed

Commercial Pest Control

Pest Control for Rental Units

There is nothing worse than finding out that your rental property is infested by pests (rodents, rats, mice, fleas, ants or bedbugs). Whether you are living as a tenant or you are the owner of a rental property. Thorough pest control service can ensure that the property is safe and in healthy condition. Contact us for professional and affordable pest control solutions

Rental Units Pest Control Services

Maximum Pest Control Services is leading professionals in the field of pest control and management services providing affordable solutions.

We can help you with all aspects of pest problems through inspection, extermination and controlling of pests (Rats, Bed Bugs, Ants, Termites and others) for both residential, commercial and rental properties in Los Angeles California surrounding locations such as: San Fernando, Woodland Hills, Encino, Tarzana, Reseda, Bell Canyon, West Hills, Sherman Oaks, Mission Hills, Chatsworth, Sylmar, Calabasas, Northridge, North Hills, Studio City, Topanga, Granada Hills and others. We offer a better service

  • Flexible, customized and affordable options
  • Licensed, Bonded and Insured
  • Unmarked Vehicles for privacy
  • Weekend Service Discount Special
  • Emergency 24 Hour Pest Control and Removal Service
  • Friendly and courteous customer service

We take of all pest problems. FAST